Both Year 2 and Year 3 classes visited the Historic Dockyard in Chatham. They each had a different focus for their visit but both had wonderful experiences!
Year 2 took part in the retelling of the story of Grace Darling, famous for her part in the rescue of survivors from a wrecked ship in 1883. They also went on the submarine, The Ocelot which was a tight squeeze but very exciting. The class were thrilled to make their own piece of rope which has now been put up in the classroom to use as a zip line for the Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch!
Year 3 discovered the best way to craft a boat out of tape and corex which we then floated in a wave and wind tank. We explored the submarine HMS Ocelot including the incredibly narrow bunk beds, and walked around the destroyer HMS Cavalier which we learned was named the fastest destroyer following it's race with others in the fleet.